
I'm thrilled that you are here. Let me tell you about myself, my work, and what compels me to do what I do. Let's start by stating the obvious:  I love ART!

I’m an avid museum and gallery enthusiast, fortunate to have an abundant source of inspiration at my disposal.  Professionally, I’m a workplace interior designer and have collaborated on numerous inspiring projects for many years. One of my favorite design principles is encapsulated in the quote, "When you design for the 10%, you design for everyone." This commitment considers people with different abilities and diversity, and this is applicable not only for interior spaces but also for the artwork that adorns it. 

Art is for everyone!

My artistic journey began in early 2020, during that unprecedented year when the world seemed to stand still. I found solace in taking long hikes in a nearby park, where I discovered more than just therapy – I found a renewing source of inspiration I didn't realize I needed. While finding inspiration in nature may sound cliché, it genuinely touched my soul. With extra time on my hands, I picked up my old brushes and gouache tubes, painting everything from flowers to landscapes. However, my favorite muses became the incredibly diverse and personality-filled birds.

My hand naturally gravitated towards the gentle contours of birds, as if discovering for the first time how incredible they are. On every hike, I would keep my camera ready, hoping to capture a beautiful bird nearby. Some were too quick to photograph, but their song was enough to know they were close, and that alone brought me tremendous joy.

Fast forward to 2023, I continue to work as an Interior Designer and decided to enroll in professional art classes to improve my skills. It was the best decision ever. The first assignment, coincidentally, was of two parrots, oils on canvas. My heart melted as I painted them with all the care and attention I could muster. I didn’t rush through the class and was thrilled with the results. From that point on, I spent all my free time sketching, drawing, and painting, reflecting on what it all meant to me.

Why Do I Paint Birds?

Birds are incredibly diverse, coming in all colors, shapes, sizes, and personalities, much like humans. Their resilience has helped them survive mass extinctions and evolve over millions of years. Dinosaurs became extinct, but the ancestors of birds, such as the Pterodactyl, survived, evolved, and thrived. This fascinating history is a testament to their adaptability and strength.

From a Feng Shui perspective, birds are powerful symbols of freedom, aspiration, and positive energy. They are believed to bring good fortune, harmony, and new opportunities. Birds are also seen as messengers, bridging the gap between the heavens and earth, thus fostering a deeper connection between nature and humans. Their presence in interior spaces can evoke a sense of peace and tranquility, enhancing the overall well-being of those within.

This fascination led me to paint birds of all kinds in various styles, using acrylics and oil on canvas. I enjoy blending traditional painting techniques with abstract elements, creating a diverse array of styles that aim to capture hearts and complement various design aesthetics. As an interior designer, I understand the innate connection between nature and humans, and I am passionate about the health benefits of incorporating nature into interior spaces.

Join Me on This Artistic Journey

Exploring the endless possibilities that fuel my creativity, I invite you to join me on this artistic journey. Together, we can celebrate the beauty of nature and the vibrant life of birds, bringing their essence into our living spaces.